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About Us
We are a dedicated team of Fresno State students who alternately race in both Baja SAE and Formula SAE competitions. We are a non-profit organization that works collaboratively to provide both education and experience to those interested in engineering and competitive racing.
For the upcoming 2019-2020 school year, we will be competing in the Baja SAE competition. Baja SAE is an international design competition series where students work together to design and build a prototype of an all-weather, rugged, single-seat, off-road recreational vehicle. All teams use the same 10 hp Briggs & Stratton Engine in order to facilitate fair competition. Students use the knowledge gained from classes to solve real-life problems, such as technical challenges that arise in design, test, and manufacturing, as well as business issues.

If you would like to know more about our program, or if you are a Fresno State student that is interested in joining, please contact us. We welcome all majors, and no previous experience is required. We look forward to hearing from you!

Name: Gerardo Bory
Major: Mechanical Engineering

Name: Brian Nnamdi Obichere
Major: Mechanical Engineering

Name: Ezana Mesfin
Major: Mechanical Engineering

Name: Carlos Villagran
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Vice President

Name: Michelle Starner
Major: Mechanical Engineering

Name: __________________
Major: __________________
Team Leads

Name: Eric Mah
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Steering and Brakes

Name: Mekiyah Rabbon
Major: Mechanical Engineering
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